Hello, my name is Miguel

I'm a Backend Developer with interests about Distributed Systems and Descentrized Applications. I have been coding professionally since 2020.

I belive technology could lead us into a better world; global access to education, transparent governance, stronger/more efficient supply chains, and many other examples of applications and impact that so far we have seen and will continue to see.

I see myself participating with projects that yield possitive impact to our society.

Past projects and work experience

Htech Solutions - Remote

August 2021 - Current

Backend Developer. Maintaining, new features design, monitoring and constant improvement for a SaaS Systems that communicates with Telcoms (Telecomunication Companies).

Technologies: Golang, C#, Python, Aws: Dynamodb, Lambda, Cloudwatch, ECS, EC2, Gitlab, CI/CD, Postgresql, SQL server, Redis

Web Socket - Golang

TCP Socket using a banking transaction protocol iso8583 written in Golang. Able to handle concurrent, parallel and asyncronous calls.

Golang Microservices

Maintaining microservices written in Golang, improving components design and migrating from single EC2 instance into ECS. Yielding a more stable performance, better software evolution given the solid architecture and unittests coverage above 85%.

AWS Lambdas

Aside logic flows for storing unstructured information and api's calls.

System Migration

Migrated from netcore 3.1, legacy code and monolitic system to netcore 6.0 with a microservice architecture and fully refactored. Deployed in ECS using K8s.

Atlatl Group - Remote

August 2020 to August 2021

Fullstack developer. We developed a Laboratory Analysis System that has an impact of more than one thousand daily customers delivering health results faster, more reliable and more fleible to the end user.

Technologies: Python (Flask), Postgresql, Celery, Docker, Redis JQuery